What Is Normal Blood Sugar Level?

As a diabetic patient, you might be curious about your normal blood sugar levels. Probably, your doctor, nurse, or physician assistant would have mentioned it at one time or the other. But since there are many things to think about, you might have forgotten about that vital information. Most times, you’ll have to work from…

What Is Normal Blood Sugar Level?

As a diabetic patient, you might be curious about your normal blood sugar levels. Probably, your doctor, nurse, or physician assistant would have mentioned it at one time or the other. But since there are many things to think about, you might have forgotten about that vital information. Most times, you’ll have to work from…

Common Symptoms of Heart Attack In Women

Heart attack symptoms can occur in different forms, asides from pain in the chest. One can prevent fatal consequences by knowing the common symptoms of heart attack in women. Oftentimes, the media, especially movies and magazines, portray symptoms of heart attack with the picture of someone clutching their chest in pain. And the individual is…

Uses, Benefits, and Side Effects of Babassu Oil

Made from the seeds of Babassu palm, babassu oil is packed with antioxidants and healthy fats. It helps to improve your skin and hair by moisturizing them without causing acne. But as useful as the oil is, it has some disadvantages. We’ll be discussing the benefits, uses, and disadvantages of babassu oil in this article.…

Is Fructose Bad for health? Know the truth

Sugar has two major components called glucose and fructose. and of these two, fructose is bad for health. Many researchers are of the view that fructose had worse health effects than glucose when taken in excess.  Let us know if fructose is bad for health as we are always told. What is the truth and…

8 Health Benefits of Honey

There are numerous health benefits of Honey as it has always been used as food and for its medicinal value also. Honey is an amazing plant compound that is beneficial for health. We can reap these health benefits of honey completely only if we use honey instead of refined sugar. Refined sugar is nothing but…