Alli Weight-Loss Aid

Price: $38.49

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Alli Weight-Loss Aid, Orlistat 60mg Capsules, 120-Count Refill

alli is more than just a pill. It’s an innovative weight loss program that works with you, not for you. alli can help you lose 50% more weight than dieting alone, but you have to do your part by changing the way you eat and live to see results. Is the hard work worth it? Yes. With alli you can achieve gradual and healthy weight loss. If you do your part, alli can teach you smart eating and activity habits you can follow for a lifetime.

Alli Weight-Loss Aid, Orlistat 60mg Capsules, 120-Count Refill Pack

User Reviews

Product does what it says it does if you don’t try and have a free for all while using it. Side effects are minimal if you follow the guide. — Alli


I’m not going to go into anything about who I am other than I’m going to tell it like it is and you do what you want with the information. Alli-Orlistat, is probably the greatest product out there if you know how to use it and understand it. All foods have fat and so you need to take it 3 times a day even in low fat meals. You need to take it every day for it to work. Because you are over weight you have had a negative caloric balance and stored that energy as fat as so now you need to change that balance by blocking as much new fat absorption as possible. The next thing to know is this takes time. You need to make a committment to take it three times a day for a year straight to see the results but you will see the results. The truth is you feel great knowing you can eat whatever you want and not gain wait, and when you eat less and exercise more you will lose more weight. The next thing is the dose. The chemical name is orlistat, the over the counterversion is Alli (they are only 60 milligram pills). Prescription strenghth xenical is the same thing, only at 120 mg, or 2 Alli pills. So you need to take 2 Alli pills 3 times aday. You also need to take a multivitamin before you go to bed because I have heard from multiple doctors that the drug will block fat soluable vitamins. Another benefit is this should be taken over the long run as it will lower high blood pressure and cholesterol and keep the weight off. I have my blood examined a few times a year and all my levels have gotten better.

There are only two side affects to worry about. The first one is the price, it is not cheap and to take year round is expensive, but if you make the committment and take 6 alli pills a day for a year i promise you will be happy with the results. The second side effect is that the fat separates as it is digested. You will see it in oily discharges, separates in the toilet, smells and is gross. This will go away with time but this is how I deal with it, hope it helps. You will need to get used to wadding up some toilet paper and keistering it all day, otherwise i can guarantee you will fart or things will come out and it can be so bad you will “oil your pants”. Also, you will have to flush the toilet twice when going, once to get rid of everything, and once to get in there and wipe all the orange residue out so noone at work notices, its gross.

But if you can overcome those side effects you will be amazed. Don’t listen to what other people say, this is the truth, good and bad, if you want to lose weight, try it for 3 months and get used to it. It is the only thing that has worked for me. I go to the beach with my shirt off now. — Amazing product

I don’t normally write reviews for goods but since I like to read them be4 I shop, I figure out I should write this one for Alli weigh-loss pills so others could share my points. Alli works okay for me. There was a period of time I’ve been using it continually for about two monthes and I lost around 5 pounds (first I got to admit I was not “over-weight” defines by the product but I really want to loss some of my body weight). Shame on me because I was too lazy to do exercises daily (even when I did it, it last no more than 5 minutes per day…). However, due to the side effect, I really paid attention on what I ate for my meals. I almost avoid all kinds of snacks and controlled the fat under 15g for a single meal. And so I did it, even though I wasn’t quite satisify with the 5 prouds I lost. It also made me felt healthier and better, psychologically. However, I couldn’t lost more than 5 prouds no matter how I tried. I was quite upset about that and quite using this med after two monthes. Without the med (the nasty side effect) I started to return to my old eating habbits and thus my weight regain to the original scale later. However, I thought if I could continually using the dieting pattern and do some exercise daily I could lost more. I am planning to give it another try soon.

The side effect could be very nasty sometimes, but only happend a day or two after I ate very high fat meals. After I took the pills more than a week, the side effect would happen as soon as I ate very oily food. If unprepared, it would really embarrassing you. These including fart with oil and making great sounds when I was using bath room. The oil thing really is a disadvantage; fortunately, if I kept my diet or even regular meals (am a Chinese) none of these would happen. However, on some occasions you really got to EAT!! I went on to a cruise trip when I was taking the med and I knew I wasn’t able to resist the food, but I didn’t want to ruin my trip (and my life) with the side effects so I came up with this solution–I was using nightime long maxi-pads even though I wasn’t having period(excuse me on this please if you don’t feel well, but this is a girl thing only…) and even though I could felt the side effect, it wouldn’t bother me at all. Hope this trick is useful for y’all ladies.

Prehaps it was the diet that made me lost weight, but without Alli (or the side effect of it) I couldn’t really make it in the first place. — a bit of my experience…

I think read almost every single review possible before buying Alli, just to make sure I knew what I was getting into. A girlfriend of mine has recently informed me that I will be a bridesmaid in her wedding next year, and that in itself is secondary motivation to drop the weight I’ve been carrying around. I’m overweight, and diet does help, but not at the rate/progress I’m happy with. I purchased Alli last week, and I’ve been happy with the progress over the last week. Diet is low-fat, lots of water, small portions. I use […] to keep track of my meals and to get ideas for low-fat/low calorie meal options that aren’t boring, and it really helps. So far I have lost 5 pounds in 5 days, and my “check-in day” according to myalli isn’t for another week (plus I haven’t started exercising yet, but will be starting it up in another day or two). I’m happy with that, even though I know you usually lose the most weight at the beginning of a diet program. Still, if I can lose around a pound per day, I’ll be happy with what alli is doing for me. If I stick to a low-fat meal, my bathroom visits are normal. I drink lots of water (probably 10-12 cups of water/day), so that keeps me a pretty frequent restroom visitor. As far as the nasty side effects of this pill? True. However, I need to put in a disclaimer here. I disagree that every single review on here that claims that they had oily discharge all the time because this pill doesn’t work. This supplement says RIGHT ON THE PACKAGING that bowel movements can contain an orange-like discharge. If you are eating a low-fat diet, you should have a regular bowel movement that does include little fat bubbles. I know you look in the toilet after you “ya know”. Here’s a breakdown of my daily eating habits and the result (yes I am this candid, because I believe you need to know what happens). Breakfast: yoplait light 100 calorie yogurt, apple, full glass of water; Lunch, salad, fruit, full glass of water; Snack, low-fat cheese and reduced fat wheat thins, full glass of water; Dinner, “sensible meal” like chicken breast with a salad. During the day I drink water between meals and it really curbs the cravings, because this pill does NOT curb them at all. And at the end of the day, or first thing in the morning (whenever your “time to poo” happens) I have a healthy bathroom visit, and yes, there are oily fat bubbles in the bowl ready to be flushed out. I have not experienced any discharges, leaking, farting with a surprise visitor, you name it. Yes, it is gross to think that there’s a little something extra coming out, but HEY, it’s fat that’s coming OUT of my body, instead of being stored away IN my hips.

I’m happy with what alli has been doing for me so far. I will come back and update on further progress, just to keep you informed as far as this product working. If the side effects bother you? I say too bad, because poo is a part of life. Get over the poo, and try the darn product. It’s been fantastic so far. — Helping me stay consistent and on-track…just watch out for the suprise!

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